1) What is the profession of Billy's father? a) A policeman b) An inventor c) A doctor 2) What is the original name of the animal? a) Mogwai b) Gremlins c) Gizmo 3) What are the rules you shouldn't break? a) Avoid bright light and don't get it wet b) Never feed him after midnight and don't get it wet c) Avoid bright light, don't get it wet and Never feed him after midnight 4) What new name is given to creature? a) Paul b) Gizmo c) Gremlin 5) What is the name of the main protagonist? a) Andrew b) Bolt c) Billy 6) How many Gizmos grow from the back of him? a) 5 b) 8 c) 3 7) What does Billy feed the Gizmos with? a) Fish b) Pizza c) Chicken 8) When the pods open, they are no Gizmos anymore...they are now...? a) Gremlins b) Creatures c) Animals 9) Where does Stripe jump off? a) Fountain b) Swimming pool c) A puddle 10) What is the name of Billy's girlfriend? a) Kate b) Karen c) Kitten 11) What does use Kate to scare the Gremlins? a) A video recorder b) The flash of a camera c) A mobile 12) Where do the Gremlins hide? a) In a shopping centre b) In a supermarket c) In a movie theatre 13) How do they plan to kill the Gremlins? a) With a lighter b) With gas c) With fire 14) Did all the Gremlins died? a) No b) Yes 15) What does Kate to scare Stripe? a) Turn off the lights b) Wet him c) Turn on the lights 16) How does Stripe finnaly die? a) With water b) With a gun c) With the sunlight 17) Are humans ready to have Mogwai as a pet? a) YES b) NO


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