1) What is a type of multimedia? a) Images b) Magazine c) Physical object d) All of the above e) None of the above 2) Which one is NOT a multimedia platform? a) Television b) Refrigerator c) Online Games d) Podcasts e) PowerPoint f) Twitch 3) What does AR (game) mean? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) a) Auhorization Required Games b) Augmented Reality Games c) Assault Rifle Games d) Accelerated Reading Games e) Aspect Ratio Games f) Artificial Reality Games 4) Which one is NOT included in vodcasts? a) Youtube b) Twitter c) Twitch d) Linkedin e) Kaltura f) None of the above 5) What product do you use if it has all of the 7 usability factors? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) a) Familiarity b) Apps c) Consistency d) Navigation e) Hardware f) Software 6) From these advantages, Which of these are NOT included? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) a) online games can help you speak better in a speech. b) online tests does not use paper. c) live vodcasts are offline.  d) none of the above. e) all of the above 7) _____________ creating presentations or play quizzes in a form of games. a) Psychological Tests b) Vodcasts c) Interactive Tests d) Podcasts e) None of the above 8) means that the moment a user sees the particular design of a system, he is capable of knowing how to use it. a) Efficiency b) Ease of learning c) Subjective Satisfaction d) Intuitive Design  e) Usability Factors f) None of the above 9) It is a free online quiz maker tool that uses colorful visuals and gamification elements to maximize engagement and ensure a higher completion rate from the learners.  a) QUIZZIZ b) WORDWALL c) KAHOOT d) QUIZLET e) NEARPOD f) None of the above 10) Which is the disadvantage of online games? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS) a) It makes the player improve their creative thinking. b) A lot of games are free to download. c) It allows users to interact with their friends. d) You have to pay for some of the games that you really want. e) Cyberbullying and negative impacts on one's mental health. f) Games are challenging and fun at the same time.


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