Correct: What do you think about war?, How did you and your best friend meet?, How can I know it's the right time to get married?, What do you look for when choosing a veterinarian?, Why can't I come along with you?, What is the meaning of this drawing?, How can you finish your homework so fast?, What is today´s special?, How do you cook pasta, Alfredo?, How do you make a pie?, What are you doing after class today?, How do you know it is true?, Why do you think it is difficult?, Why is winter your favorite season?, What are you doing after graduating?, Incorrect: Are you thirsty?, Are you ok?, Is this your book?, Are we going to the movies tonight?, Do you want fried or baked chicken for dinner?, What kind of pie is your favorite?, Is this my jacket?, Are you his friend?, Do you want to eat at home or go out?, Who is driving to the beach?, What time will the next Mass be held?, What time does the movie start?, Would you rather have a sports car or a Jeep?, What is the name of your favorite teacher?, What is your father's name?,

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