1) SEMPRE a) always b) usually  c) often d) sometimes e) never 2) A VOLTE a) always b) usually  c) often d) sometimes e) never 3) MAI a) usually b) always c) often d) never e) sometimes 4) DI SOLITO a) often b) never c) always d) usually e) sometimes 5) SPESSO a) often b) always c) never d) usually e) sometimes 6) PRANZO SEMPRE A MENSA a) I often have lunch in the school canteen b) I always have lunch in the school canteen c) I have always lunch in the school canteen 7) DI SOLITO FACCIO COLAZIONE CON LATTE E CEREALI a) I usually have milk and cereals for breakfast b) I often have milk and cereals for breakfast c) I have usually milk and cereals for breakfast 8) NON MANGIO MAI FRUTTA a) I always eat fruit b) I never eat fruit c) I often eat fruit 9) SPESSO SUONO LA CHITARRA a) I usually play the guitar  b) I often play the guitar c) I rarely play the guitar 10) QUALCHE VOLTA LEGGO LIBRI a) I read sometimes books b) I sometimes read books c) I usually read books 11) FACCIO SEMPRE I COMPITI a) I always do my homework b) I do always my homework c) I never do my homework 12) Lei mangia spesso la pizza. a) She eats often pizza. b) She often eats pizza. c) She usually eats pizza 13) Tu non ti lavi mai la faccia. a) You never wash your face. b) You don't never wash your face. c) You rarely wash your face 14) Noi di rado viaggiamo in aereo a) We often travel by plane b) We rarely travel by plane c) We don't never travel by plane 15) Lei non viaggia mai in treno a) She never travels by train b) She sometimes travels by train c) She doesn't never travel by train

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