portrait - a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person that usually focuses on the face and upper body, impressionism - an art movement characterized by small, thin brush strokes, and an emphasis on capturing the overall impression of a scene rather than its details, sitter - a person who poses for an artist or photographer, sketch - a quick drawing or outline that captures the basic shape and features of a subject, rave review - a very positive review or critique of something, often expressing enthusiasm and admiration, brush stroke - the mark left by a brush as it moves across a surface when applying paint, canvas - a strong, heavy cloth used for making tents, sails, and paintings, landscape - a painting or photograph that shows natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, etc., palette - a thin board with a hole for the thumb at one end, used by artists to hold and mix colors while painting, expressionism - an art movement that emphasizes the expression of emotions through bold colors, exaggerated forms, and distorted shapes, still-life picture - a painting or photograph that shows inanimate objects like flowers, fruits, vases, etc. arranged in a pleasing composition, chiaroscuro - the use of areas of light and darkness in a painting,

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