belfry - a bell tower, attached to a church or building or standing apart, domestic - pertaining to the household, devoted to home life, insufferable - intolerable, unbearable, loathe - to hate, to feel disgust for, portly - rather heavy or stout, meticulous - showing extreme care about details, precise, rucksack - a type of knapsack carried by hikers, bicyclists, etc., subdue - to overpower and bring under control, studious - devoted to study, unabashed - not ashamed or embarrassed, disgruntled - displeased or discontent, foreboding - a strong inner feeling of a future misfortune; a prediction, inarticulate - lacking the ability to speak clearly, intuition - a direct perception of truth without reasoning, invoice - an itemized bill of goods sold with prices listed, liberate - to set free, onslaught - a vigorous attack, poise - a dignified, self-confident manner, ration - a fixed allowance of food, especially during a shortage, remorse - deep regret for wrongdoing,

The Diary of Anne Frank Vocabulary

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