I get _____ when people interrupt me. - angry, She's been working hard to get ______ at playing the guitar. - better, He tends to get _____ easily when there's nothing to do. - bored, After a few hours without food, I start to get _____. - hungry, If you don't take care of yourself, you might get _____. - ill, I always get ____ when I hear bad news. - worried, Drinking water helps me not to get _____. - thirsty, After a long day at work, I usually get _____ . - tired, When someone insults me, I tend to get _____. - angry, She's been practicing yoga to get _____ at her flexibility. - better, I always get _____ before an important presentation. - worried, If you don't wear warm clothes, you might get _____ in the cold weather. - ill, Hearing about the pandemic makes me get ____ about my loved ones. - worried, After a workout, I get _____ and need to hydrate. - thirsty, After a long hike, I get _____ and need to rest. - tired, If you eat too much junk food, you might get _____. - ill, I get _____ when things don't go as planned. - angry, He's been taking French classes to get _____ at speaking the language. - better, Waiting in long lines makes me get _____ quickly. - bored, If you don't get enough sleep, you might get _____ during the day. - tired, When someone breaks a promise, I tend to get _____. - angry, She's been reading a lot to get _____ at her vocabulary. - better, I get _____ when I have to speak in front of a large audience. - worried, If you don't wash your hands regularly, you might get _____. - ill, Hearing about natural disasters makes me get _____ about the people affected. - worried, After a long run, I get _____ and need to drink water. - thirsty, After a long flight, I get _____ and need to rest. - tired, If you don't manage your stress, you might get _____. - ill, I get _____ when people interrupt me while I'm speaking. - angry, He's been practicing his public speaking skills to get _____ at delivering speeches. - better,

Open Mind Pre - Unit 8 Expressions with GET p98 FLASH CARDS

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