1) bought a) come b) have c) buy d) go 2) came a) drink b) come c) buy d) go 3) did a) have b) do c) give d) eat 4) drank a) eat b) take c) read d) drink 5) ate a) come b) eat c) see d) buy 6) gave a) write b) give c) drink d) do 7) went a) go b) write c) eat d) see 8) had a) see b) write c) eat d) have 9) read a) do b) take c) go d) read 10) saw a) eat b) have c) read d) see 11) took a) eat b) see c) take d) do 12) wrote a) write b) read c) give d) have 13) ran a) run b) take c) read d) make 14) got up a) see b) get up c) run d) do 15) made a) make b) drink c) read d) sit 16) sat a) go b) take c) sit d) see

Irregular Verbs (FH 3 )

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