1) How old was Henry when he took the throne? How many years did he rule England?, 2) Who was Henry’s first wife? Where was she from?, 3) How long were Henry and his first wife married?, 4) Why Henry got divorced the first time?, 5) Did the Roman Catholic Church agree with Henry? Why / Why not?, 6) Who was Anne Boleyn?, 7) Who were Mary I and Elizabeth I?, 8) Why Anne was executed in 1536?, 9) Was there a ‘new’ Church/Religion in England at that time?, 10) Who was Henry’s third wife?, 11) Did Henry have a son? Who was him?, 12) Who was known as the ‘King’s sister’? Provide information about their relationship., 13) How long were Henry and Catherine Howard married?, 14) What happened in 1542?, 15) What important role did Catherine Parr play during her marriage to Henry?, 16) When did Henry die? Did the Tudor dynasty end with his death?.

King Henry VIII’s life through his wives

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