How do you spell your surname?, What's your address?, What's your telephone number?, Where are you from?, Where do you live?, Have you got any brothers or sisters?, What's your sister's/brother's name?, What does your mum/dad/sister/brother look like?, What time do you get up?, What time do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner?, What time do you start/finish school?, Where do you have lunch?, What do you usually have for breakfast?, What time do you go to bed?, What do you do after dinner?, What do you like doing in your free time?, When do you do your homework?, What foreign languages can you speak?, Can you speak Russian?, Can you cook?, Can you play the piano?, Can you swim?, What sports can you do?, Do you like surfing the internet?, When is your birthday?, When is Christmas?, When is Valentine's Day?, What's the day today?, What's the date today?, What is the weather like today?, What was the weather like yesterday/last weekend?, What lessons do you have on Monday?, When do you have a break at school?, How often do you have English lessons at school?, Is there a library in your town?, Can you give me directions from your house to the library?, What are your favourite places in your town?, What job does your dad/mum do?, What does your dad/mum do at work?, What time do your parents start work?, What job would you like to do? Why?, What is your favourite season? What is the weather like in ...?, What do you like doing in summer/ winter?, Where were you yesterday morning/ afetrnoon?, What do you do when it rains?, How are you today?, What is your favourite school subject?.

Questions Trinity Grade 3

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