Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, The symbol of the Olympic 1912. (design), At the aiports luggage ........................... right now (check), The Pyramids .................... nearly 5,000 years ago. (build), About 350 films ................ at the Berlin Film Festival every year. (show), Seat belts ......................... in planes until the 1930s. (not use), New costumers ....................... next month (hire) , The first smartphone ..................... in 1992 by IBM. (invent), This famous picture ...................... by Picasso many years ago. (paint), He will finish the puzzle by tomorrow, Has anyone opened these letters?, The police should bring him to the station, Mrs Sullivan teaches us grammar, The fire damaged the building, We were saved by the firefighters, I have made a chocolate cake, She is going to send an email, I have done my homework, She is planning a surprise, I must make a phone call.

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