I was really worried thet I was going to fail, so I'm ...... that I passed. - relieved, He was thrilled to see his name in a book, but a bit ..... it was spelt wrong. - disappointed, Noah is ..... after running a marathon for charity at the weekend. - shattered, I didn't think Rob would be upset about losing his job, but he was absolutely ....... - down, I just can't believe we've won - I'm absolutely ...... - stunned, When he got there, he was totally ...... because he didn't speak English at all. - bewildered, I loved that film! The special effects were .... - amazing, We've been trying a new method and we're very ..... with the results. - impressed, I try to watch TV in English but I get ...... if I can't understand everything. - frustrated, We enjoyed Disneyland, but some of the rides were too .... for my little brother - scary, There were so many children to look after that she found it very ...... - stressing,

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