-city - -し, counter for tatami mats - ~じょう, -each - -ずつ, -vs- - -たい-, greeting - あいさつ, to greet - あいさつする, to greet(polite) - ごあいさつする, baby - あかちゃん, to go up, to enter (house) - あがる, Bright, Light, Cheerful - あかるい, taste - あじ, to taste - あじがする, to try (taste) - あじをみる, dangerous - あぶない, safe - あんぜん(な), to be called, to say - いう, busy - いそがしい, diligently, with all one's energy - いっしょうけんめい, full of - いっぱい, entrance - いりぐち, to sit (an exam), to receive - うける, sales counter - うりば, to be glad, to be pleased - うれしい, sports day - うんどうかい, air conditioning - エアコン, pet food - えさ, to choose - えらぶ, to support, to cheer - おうえんする, to send - おくる, rice (uncooked) - おこめ, rice (uncooked) - こめ, to be angry - おこる, to fall, to fail - おちる, quiet, well-behaved - おとなしい, the same - おなじ, to think - おもう, parent(s) - おや, hot water - おゆ, hot water - ゆ, to swim - およぐ, foreign country - がいこく, foreigner - がいこくじん, staircase - かいだん, Chemistry - かがく, key - かぎ, to lock - かぎをかける, umbrella - かさ, housework - かじ, to lend - かす, to tidy up - かたづける, to win - かつ, school term - がっき, without fail, always - かならず, body, health - からだ, to borrow - かりる, rule - きそく, strict - きびしい, feel well - きぶんがいい, feel ill - きぶんがわるい, to decide on - きめる, school lunch - きゅうしょく, education - きょういく, textbook - きょうかしょ, interest - きょうみ, be interested in - きょうみがある, neighbourhood - きんじょ, to give (to me/us) - くださる, dark - くらい, glass - グラス, to give (to me/us) - くれる, injury - けが, get injured - けがをする, play, drama - げき, result - けっか, marriage - けっこん, get married - けっこんする, marriage ceremony - けっこんしき, study visit - けんがく, to go on a study visit - けんがくする, public - こうりつ, national language - こくご, national - こくりつ, answer - こたえ, to answer - こたえる, word, language - ことば, recently, these days - このごろ, from now on - これから, recently, lately - さいきん, wallet - さいふ, to look for - さがす, to do down, to drop - さがる, essay - さくぶん, to give (to a socially superior out-group person) - さしあげる, however - しかし, exam - しけん, to fail an exam - しけんにおちる, to pass an exam - しけんにとおる, question - しつもん, to ask a question - しつもんする, to die - しぬ,
Year 12 Japanese Vocabulary Flashcards (First 100)
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