My brother has an important job and tells everybody how much money he earns. My parents are very proud of him. I don’t have a job and I think they are disappointed in me., My parents want me to work in the family business, but I want to go to university., Every time I meet my friend, he/she only talks about his/ her problems and asks for advice. He/She never asks me about my life., My friend is getting married in another country. I want to go, but the flight and hotel are very expensive., My friend is always late. Yesterday, I waited for one hour in a café for him/her. It’s very annoying. He/ She doesn’t think it’s a problem., My friend is visiting from another country. He/She has asked to stay with me for three weeks. I would like him/her to stay for one week., I don’t know how to cook, but I’d like to learn before I go to university. I’ve tried to learn from recipes online, but I find them confusing, I often lend money to my friend and she now owes me over £300. She’s just bought a new car and hasn’t paid me back yet., I love buying books because I like reading. My apartment is very small and I don’t have any more space – and books cost a lot of money..

Giving advice: Imperatives and Should

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