body temperature - 体温, a measure word for paper, ticket, painting) - 张, hour - 小时, sick leave - 病假, although - 虽然。。但是, in the end - 最后, take - 带, let/ allow - 让, nurse - 护士, sick leave slip - 病假条, catch cold - 感冒, have a loose bowels - 拉肚子, be ill - 生病, belly/ stomach - 肚子, at once - 马上, throat - 嗓子, take a rest - 休息, headache - 头疼, medicine - 药, have a fever - 发烧, cough - 咳嗽, be well - 舒服, see a doctor - 看病,

Chinese Made Easy 2 Unit 5

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