to Lay off - discharge a worker temporarily or permanently because of economic conditions or shortage of work, Workforce - the people engaged in or available for work, either in a country or area or in a particular firm or industry., Hiring freeze - when a company stops hiring new employees for open roles., To slash - to cut/ to reduce the amount or price., Stunning - shocking, amazing., Reversal of fortune - bad fortune, Once - sometime in the past / one time, High-flying - very successful in business or academics., Lavish / lavishly - impressive, large, expensive, To shower (someone with something) - to give someone a lot of things., Enviable - something that other people want, Perks - additional benefits ( besides your salary), Scrutinity - careful and thorough examination. Examination., To dent - to damage or to harm., Revenue - money that a business receives., To soar - to increase quickly to a high level., a trillion - 1,, To grapple - to attempt to deal with something difficult., To play off - to happen/ to develop in a certain way,

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