1) Even though we may not be of the same generation as Bruce Springsteen, it is difficult not to admire him for what he has contributed to the American rock scene. While Springsteen was still a youngster at elementary school, he (A1) ... by the music of Elvis Presley and immediately wanted to be like him. a) inspired b) was inspiring c) had inspired d) was inspired e) has inspired 2) He also (A2) ... a particular interest, in his younger years, in traditional folk music, but it was rock that was going to be his life's work. a) has shown b) will show c) was shown d) is shown e) showed 3) By the age of 16, Springsteen (A3) ... his first band, a) was joined b) had joined c) has joined d) will join e) will be joined 4) , but it was in 1975, when he (A4) .. with his own group, 'the E Street Band, that fame arrived and he was featured on the cover of both Time and Newsweek magazines at the same time. a) was playing b) was played c) has played d) has been playing e) will play

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