1) What is the past of  rise? a) rised b) rid c) rose d) rise e) rosen f) ros 2) What is the past of ring? a) ring b) ringed c) rung d) ringid e) rang f) rong 3) What is the past participle of see? a) seen b) saw c) seed d) sow e) sen f) sawed 4) What is the past of say? a) sayed b) say c) sed d) sod e) sayd f) said 5) What is the past participle of run? a) run b) ran c) runned d) runed e) ron f) raned 6) What is the past of sell? a) selled b) sold c) seled d) sell e) selld f) sald 7) What is the past participle of sing? a) sang b) singed c) sung d) song e) sing f) singged 8) What is the past of send? a) sended b) send c) sendded d) sent e) sentt f) sented 9) What is the past of set? a) seted b) setted c) setd d) sett e) set f) setit 10) What is the past participle of shake? a) shook b) shaked c) shookes d) shooked e) shakened f) shaken 11) What is the past of shine? a) shone b) shined c) shine d) shoned e) shun f) shuned 12) What is the past of shoot? a) shooted b) shots c) shot d) shotted e) shoted f) shootted 13) What is the past participle of sink? a) sink b) sank c) sanked d) sinked e) sunk f) sunked 14) What is the past of shut? a) shutted b) shut c) shuted d) shutt e) shuts f) shot 15) What is the past of sit? a) sitt b) sited c) sitted d) sat e) sits f) sated

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