Where is the bank? (Could you tell me...?) - Could you tell me where the bank is?, Is the class online? (Can you tell me...?) - Can you tell me whether( if) the class is online?, Was she late for the meeting? (Do you know...?) - Do you know whether(if) she was late for the meeting?, Have you been to Spain? (I wonder ... .) - I wonder whether(if) you have been to Spain., Will he start the meeting at 2pm? (Do you know...?) - Do you know whether( if) he will start the meeting at 2pm?, Should we translate this? (Could you tell us...?) - Could you tell us whether (if) we should translate this?, Does your colleague live in Warsaw? (I wonder... .) - I wonder whether(if) your colleague lives in Warsaw., Did she send the email last week? (Could you possibly check ...?) - Could you possibly check if she sent the email last week?, Why was he so frustrated after the meeting? (I am wondering .. .) - I am wondering why he was so frustrated after the meeting?, What were you doing at 3pm? (Can you tell me ...?) - Can you tell me what you were doing at 3 pm?,

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