controversy (n) - public discussion and argument about something people strongly disagree about or are shocked by, fog (n) - a thick cloud that is very close to the land, conflict (n) - a situation in which people, groups or countries disagree strongly or fight each other , breathtaking (adj.) - very exciting or impressive, cliff (n) - a high area of rock that is often next to the sea, extend (v - make something longer or larger, fill up (phr. v.) - become completely full, set (v) - go down below the horizon, summit (n) - the top of a mountain, coca (n) - - a tropical bush whose leaves are used to make the drug cocaine, altitude sickness (n) - an illness caused by a lack of oxygen, because of being very high above sea level, gold mining (n) - the process of getting gold from under the ground,

Module: The most dangerous journeys on earth

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