حَقِيبَتَهَا - her bag, حَقِيبَتَهُ - his bag, حَافِلَةَ الْمَدْرَسَةِ - school bus, بِالْمَاءِ - with water, بِالصَّابُونِ - with soap, بِالْفُرْشَاةِ - with a toothbrush, بِالْمَعْجُونِ - with toothpaste, ثُمَّ - then, مَعَ - with, طَعَامَ الْفَطُورِ - breakfast, اسْتَيْقَظَتْ - she woke up, قَالَتْ - she said, غَسَلَتْ - she washed, تَوّضَّأَتْ - she performed ablution, صَلَّتْ - she prayed, بَدَّلَتْ - she changed, مَشَّطَتْ - she combed, رَتَّبَتْ - she arranged, أَكَلَتْ - she ate, نَظَّفَتْ - she cleaned, حَمَلَتْ - she carried, وَدَّعَ - he said goodbye,

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