Describe a job you would enjoy and another job you wouldn't enjoy. Explain why?, Have you ever traveled to Spain? Why? Why not?, What are the skills a person must have to appy for a job?, How does technology help us in our everyday lives?, Why does technology sometimes make mistakes?, Talk about your last vacation. When was your last vacation? Where did you go? What type of accommodation did you stay in? What activities did you do? What do you think makes a good vacation?, Talk about the last product you bought. What was it? Where did you buy it? Why did you buy it? Do you know what brand it is? Do you know where it was made?, Plan your own time capsule, which you will bury under the ground. Mention at least 5 objects and explain why in each one., What do most people do when a tornado is coming?, What do storm chasers do? Why?, Why do you think people want to be storm chasers?, Would you like to be a storm chaser? Why or why not?, Which types of extreme weather do you have in your country? When?.

Life 3 _ Cycle 2 Speaking Exam

Tabla de clasificación

Cartas al azar es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

Estilo visual


Cambiar plantilla

¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?