1) 25. What is surprising about Leo Fender?  a) (A) He could not play the guitar.  b) (B) He invented the first electric guitar. c) (C) He could make guitars on his own. d) (D) He was interested in accounting. 2) 26. What job did Leo Fender NOT have? a) (A) Fixing broken radios.  b) (B) Teaching guitar lessons. c) (C) Manufacturing electric guitars. d) (D) Working as an accountant. 3) 27. What is the purpose of this announcement?  a) (A) To warn students about a danger.  b) (B) To remind students about a big party. c) (C) To ask students to vote for someone. d) (D) To ask students to clean up the environment. 4) 28. What does the speaker promise to do? a) (A) Help create a better school environment.  b) (B) Ask teachers to punish kids who skip school. c) (C) Ask the principal to communicate more with students. d) (D) Impose more bans on holding parties at school. 5) 29. What is mentioned about Houston, Texas?  a) (A) It is the second-biggest city in America.  b) (B) It holds some famous events. c) (C) It has the largest zoo in America. d) (D) It has many mosquitoes. 6) 30. What is the main subject of this talk? a) (A) A festival in Texas.  b) (B) Medical research in America. c) (C) Insects of America. d) (D) An event 30 years ago. 7) 31. What is one of the reasons given for language change?  a) (A) New technologies replace old technologies.  b) (B) Shorter words replace longer words. c) (C) New words replace short words. d) (D) Simple words replace difficult words. 8) 32. Why is social media mentioned? a) (A) People use social media to influence language.  b) (B) Social media is a new technology. c) (C) In 500 years, there will be no social media. d) (D) The term will not be replaced in the future.


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