spoil - verb - make something bad, rank - verb / noun - measure in a list, prohibit - verb - forbid; don't allow something, magnificent - adjective - spectacular, balance - noun - not too much of one thing;, ultimate - adjective - final; the best, state - noun - status; how something is, isolated - adjective - far away from other things or people, eager - adjective - strongly want to do something, destination - noun - the place you travel to, naturally - adverb - from nature; without additions, monster - noun - a (usually) scary, dangerous creature, tension - noun - stress, spectacular - adjective - amazing; incredible; impressive, award - verb / noun - Something you get for an achievementarchitectural, architectural - adjective - relating to the design of a building, distinctive - adjective - unique; different from others, landscape - noun - the view around you in the countryside, laboratory - noun - The place where scientists work and do experiments, massive - adjective - Very big; enormous, inevitable - adjective - 100% guaranteed to happen; impossible to avoid, displace - verb - Moved from home because of a bad situation, disastrous - adjective - Very, very bad, ancestors - noun - the people in your family who came before you, witness - verb / noun - See a situation or event,

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