1) The .... lives in the Himalayas a) Yeti b) Loch Ness c) Bigfoot d) Molnkèle-mbèmbé 2) How is this creature called? a) Yeti b) Bunyip c) Loch Ness Monster d) Big Foot 3) Where is the Lake Ness? a) Ireland b) France c) United Kindom d) Scottland 4) Where does Molnkèle-mbèmbé live in? a) Congo b) South Africa c) Nigeria d) Mali 5) Who lived in a labyrinth? a) Minotaur b) Loch Ness monster c) Bigfoot d) Yeti 6) Where is Bunyip originated from? a) Australia b) Japan c) Brazil d) India 7) Who has got a long neck? a) Big Foot b) Yeti c) Minotaur d) Loch Ness monster 8) Where does Bigfoot live? a) Asia b) Europe c) North America 9) Who eats plants an grass? a) Bigfoot b) Molnkèle-mbèmbé c) Minotaur d) Loch Ness monster 10) Where did Harry, Hermione and Ron study? a) Beauxbatons b) Ilvermorny c) Durmstrang d) Howarts 11) Who wrote the Harry Potter books? a) George R. R. Martin b) J.K. Rowling c) Jane Austen d) Stephenie Meyer 12) Was Voldemort the enemy of Harry Potter? a) Yes b) No 13) When did the first movie come out? a) 2000 b) 2003 c) 2001 d) 2002 14) What is the nickname of Steven Frayne? a) Dynamo b) Houdini c) Devant d) Cardini 15) Who taught Dynamo magic tricks? a) Brother b) Grandfather c) Mother d) Sister 16) How was Dynamo's TV show called? a) Dynamo: The Magician b) Dynamo: Mission Impossible c) Magic by Dynamo 17) Where was Houdini born?  a) London b) Paris c) Budapest d) Detroit 18) Where did Houdini work? a) In a library b) In a school c) In a lock shop d) In a factory 19) When did Harry Houdini die? a) 1900 b) 1895 c) 1903 d) 1926

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