drastic - extreme or severe in terms of action, effect, or change, siege - a prolonged period of surrounding and isolating a place, such as a city or fortress, usually by military forces, in order to force surrender or conquest, obese - having an excessive amount of body fat, contrary - opposite in nature, direction, or meaning; conflicting or contradictory, cannon - a large, heavy firearm that fires projectiles using gunpowder, typically mounted on wheels, colloquial - informal language used in everyday conversation, typically specific to a particular region or group, caper - a playful or lively leap or skip, often done in a carefree or mischievous manner, trot - a slow, steady pace of running or jogging, faster than walking but slower than running, fortified - strengthened or reinforced with additional materials or structures for protection or defense, adjacent - next to or adjoining something else; neighbouring,

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