I am similar to my mum., Show me the description. , David Beckham is a handsome footballer., She is such a good-looking girl., He looks like his father., She looks like her mother., They are so ugly., I find her unattractive. , She is of medium height., My father is really tall but my mum is quite short., He is sucha stocky man., Julia Roberts is so slim., Would you rather be fat or thin?, I need to go on a diet. I am a bit plump but not overweight., He is in his twenties so he is an adult man., She is in her teens so she is a teenager., My grandma is old but my mum is quite young., They are middle-aged. They are in their forties., Does she have a fringe?, Does he have a beard or a moustache?, I need to get rid of these pimples., Harry Potter has a big scar on his forehead., Her eyes are so tiny., My grandfather has got so many wrinkles., Her hair is dyed., We have curly hair not straight., His hair is wavy., Would you like to have spiky hair., Would you rather have a snub nose or a strong chin or both?.

Pearson vocabulary Unit 1 Wygląd zewnętrzny Egzamin Ósmoklasisty

Tabla de clasificación

Cartas al azar es una plantilla abierta. No genera puntuaciones para una tabla de clasificación.

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