1) Prefix un +adjetive-adv give 3 examples 2) Prefix un+verb give 3 examples 3) Prefix dis+ verb  4) Preposition at the end the questions 5) Questions tags use 3 examples 6) Prefix Il-in-im+adj 7) Which adition linkers do you know? write examples 8) How do you describe someone in a photo? write the sentences 9) Confusing nouns give examples 10) Prepositions+ing forms (in/for/about) write these examples 11) Future continuos. Uses and how it is forned 12) Future continuos. Give three examples positive and negative 13) Uses of take. Examples and what does it means? 14) Reflexive pronouns. What are reflexive pronouns give 10 examples? 15) Predictions intentions and arragements. Give two examples for each

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