It was nice / kind / good / generous / polite / stupid / silly etc .... you to do something - of, you are nice / kind / good / generous / polite / rude / friendly / cruel etc. .... somebody - to, angry / annoyed / furious / upset .... something - about, angry / annoyed / furious / upset .... somebody .... doing something - with, for, excited / worried / nervous / happy etc. ...... a situation - about, pleased / satisfied / happy / delighted / disappointed .... something you receive, or the result of something - with, surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished / upset .... or .... something - at / by, impressed .... or .... somebody/something - with/by, fed up / bored .... something - with, tired / sick .... something - of, sorry ..... a situation or something that happened - about, sorry .... or ..... something you did - for / about, feel / be sorry .... somebody who is in a bad situation - for,

Adjectives with prepositions 1: Rules (U130)

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