1) I am reading a book, he explained a) he explained that he read a book b) he explained he read a book c) he explained he was reading a book d) he explained he reading a book e) he explained he had reading a book 2) Where do you live?, she asked me a) She asked me where did I lived b) She asked me where I lived c) She asked me where did I live d) She asked me where I live e) She asked me where I lived? 3) Learning English is easy, they told us a) They told us that learning English is easy  b) They told to us that learning English is easy c) They told that learning English was easy  d) They told us that learning English was easy e) They told to us that learning English was easy 4) I´ll be using the car next Friday, she said a) She said me that she was using the car next Friday b) She said she will use the car next Friday c) She said she would be using the car next Friday d) She said she would use the car next Friday e) She said me she would be use the car next Friday. 5) I may be late, he explained a) He explained that he might be late b) He explained he may be late c) He explain he may be late d) He explains he might be late e) He explained he that he maybe be late  6) I have travelled to Europe many times, he said a) He said me he had travelled to Europe many times  b) He said he has travelled to Europe many times c) He said he travelled to Europe many times d) He said he had travel to Europe many times e) He said he had travelled to Europe many times 7) Did you go to the party?, she asked a) She asked if I went to the party? b) She asked if I had gone to the party c) She asked if I did go to the party d) She asked if I went to the party  e) She asked if I had gone to the party?


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