1) I am punctual and responsible. 2) I always finish my reports on time. 3) I like my job, people here are very special. 4) I should improve in managing my time. 5) I will do my best this week. 6) I must carry my school ID everyday. 7) I will only send friendly emails this week. 8) I have done my best. 9) I have been on time during the whole week. 10) My co-worker handed in her reports on time. 11) I would like to have vacation soon. 12) My friend doesn't receive invitations every day. 13) I should avoid wasting time. 14) My friend is not an irresponsible student. 15) I wasn't very kind to my teacher last week. 16) I can't have a day off this week. 17) I do my job well, you can´t complaint. 18) I don't drink coffee at work because it makes me anxious. 19) I have been doing paper work recently. 20) I haven't traveled to USA for business. 21) My friend likes her job. 22) I left the company on time. 23) My friend speaks English well. 24) I studied the verbs last week. 25) I didn't speak in English to my boss. 26) My friend has had a relaxing weekend. 27) My classmate has studied Engish before. 28) I hadn't spoken in English to coworkers before. 29) I have received feedback at school. 30) My coworkers don't speak French. 31) I always check in when I arrive to work. 32) I sometimes arrive late to school. 33) I sometimes take Yoga class. 34) I have my lunch or meal here. 35) I have a spot in the parking lot. 36) I would like to practice more English. 37) I think I have improved my English. 38) I don't have to travel for work. 39) I won't miss any meeting anymore. 40) My teacher has already assigned the task .

too so either neither (personal ?´s)

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