1) Kasia likes Maciek. Maciek likes ... a) him b) her c) she 2) It's my favourite book. I like reading.... a) it b) that c) her 3) The flowers are so beautiful! I love ... a) her b) him c) them 4) My teddy bears are great. I like ... a) him b) me c) them 5) You can do the homework ! You can do ... a) them b) us c) it 6) Bring me the phone. Bring me ... a) them b) you c) it 7) I love my parents. I love ... a) him b) them c) it 8) "Do you like apples? I love...'' a) us b) you c) them 9) "My grandma is fantastic! I like..  very much."  a) she b) her c) him 10) Open the window, please. Open ...., please. a) it b) them c) us

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