Stomata - The opening at the bottom of the leaf that allows for gas exchange between the plant and the atmosphere., Guard cells - The cells that allow for the opening and closing of the stomata., Epidermis - The cells that seperate the mesophyll from the cuticle. Also known as the "skin" of the plant., Cuticle - The waxy, waterproof coating that surrounds the leaf. , Xylem - One of the parts of the vascular bundle that transports water and salts from the roots of the plant to the stem and leaves., Phloem - Cells that carry products that the leaf produce, including sugar and amino acids (proteins), to other parts of the leaf, stem and roots., Mesophyll - The part of the plant leaf that specializes in photosynthesis. They contain many chloroplasts., Vascular bundle - Contains the xylem and phloem together to provide water and nutrients to the entire plant.,

7a biology plant organs

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