1) His problem is so ____________. Can you help him? a) confusing b) confused 2) I’m feeling _______________. a) depressed b) depressing 3) I’m always really _____________ during the long flights. a) boring b) bored 4) Mum! It’s so ____________ when you show my baby photos to people. a) embarrassing b) embarrassed 5) That film was very _________________! a) depressing b) depressed 6) The trip was _____________! a) exhausting b) exhausted 7) This lesson is so ____________! a) boring b) bored 8) The little boy was ___________ when he saw a spider. a) frightening b) frightened 9) What’s the most __________ thing you have ever done? a) excited b) exciting 10) When was the last time you were really ______________? a) bored b) boring 11) Do you think learning English is _____________ ? a) tired b) tiring 12) What do you think is the most_______________ sport or activity? a) exhausted b) exhausting 13) Molly was really ________ with her sister for teasing her. a) annoy b) annoyed 14) The film we watched was ________ . a) interesting b) interested 15) I'm ___________. a) tiring b) tired 16) My little brother is so ____________. a) annoying b) annoyed 17) He was ... about his friend. a) worrying b) worried 18) The accident was a) frightened  b) frightening

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