tengo tarea - I have homework, ¿tienes tarea? - do you have homework?, vengo a la fiesta - I am coming to the party, ¿vienes a la fiesta? - are you coming to the party?, salgo - I am leaving, ¿sales? - are you leaving?, oigo - I hear, oyes - you hear, hago - I am making, haces - you make, digo - I say, ¿dices la verdad? - are you telling the truth?, decimos - we are telling, tenemos - we have, venimos - we are coming, oímos - we hear, vemos - we see, veo - I see, ves - you see, caigo - I am falling, caes - you are falling, caemos - we fall, pongo - I put, pones - you are putting, ponemos - we place, traigo - I bring, ¿traes? - are you bringing, traemos - we are bringing, supongo - I suppose, suponemos - we suppose,

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