1) What is post vacation syndrome (PBS)? a) A feeling of depression and irritability after returning from a vacation. b) A medical condition that requires immediate attention. c) A term used to describe the exhaustion after a vacation. d) A state of mind where people feel guilty about taking vacations. 2) According to the video, how can you prevent or minimize post vacation syndrome? a) Plan your re-entry into the office as carefully as you plan your vacation. b) Take a longer vacation to recover fully. c) Avoid checking emails and voicemails after your vacation. d) Schedule more meetings to catch up on work. 3) What does the video suggest about booking a smarter return date? a) Arrive back from vacation on Sunday night to start the week fresh. b) Plan your return date to avoid feeling exhausted and overwhelmed on Monday. c) Stay on vacation for as long as possible to avoid returning to work. d) Book your return date based on cultural stereotypes about your destination. 4) What is the recommended approach to handling work-related tasks during a vacation? a) Bring work with you and dedicate 5% of your time to it. b) Completely unplug from work and avoid any work-related activities. c) Check emails and voicemails once a day to stay updated. d) Delegate all work-related tasks to colleagues while on vacation. 5) According to the video, why should you limit the use of social media during a vacation? a) It can distract you from enjoying the vacation experience. b) It helps you document and share your vacation memories. c) It allows you to stay connected with friends and family. d) It is a necessary part of modern vacationing. 6) How can taking regular lunch breaks help with post vacation syndrome? a) It allows you to spend more time outdoors and refresh your mind. b) It gives you an opportunity to catch up on work tasks. c) It helps you maintain a healthy work-life balance. d) It provides a chance to socialize with colleagues. 7) What are workcations and what are the pros and cons mentioned in the video? a) Workcations are vacations where you work part-time, giving you the benefits of both work and leisure. The pros include reduced stress. b) Workcations are vacations where you don't work at all, allowing for complete relaxation. The pros include increased productivity. c) Workcations are vacations specifically designed for networking and professional development. The cons include limited leisure time. d) Workcations are vacations where you work remotely, providing a new perspective. The cons include manager expectations.

Post vacation syndrome (B2/C1)

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