1) I can't see you tomorrow afternoon. I ... a check-up at the dentist's. a) 'll have b) 'm having c) 'm going to have 2) I don't think that job - the pay isn't good enough. a) I'll take b) I'm taking c) I'm going to take 3) It's very cold in here. I ... on the heating.  a) will turn b) am I going to turn c) am turning 4) My boyfriend ... me up at 8:30 sharp. We have a dinner reservation.  a) will pick b) is going to pick c) is picking 5) Be careful with that dog, it ... you.  a) will bite b) is going to bite c) is biting 6) Jenny sent me an email. I'm afraid he ... on Saturday. a) isn't coming b) won't come c) isn't going to come 7) Sit down, Mum. I ... lunch for you. a) 'll make b) am making c) am going to make 8) I ... you as soon as I have any news. a) am going to phone b) 'll phone c) am phoning 9) ... of my dog while I'm away, please? a) Will you take care b) Are you going to take care  c) Are you taking care 10) I'm sure Manchester City ... against Liverpool tomorrow. a) is going to win b) will win c) is winning 11) It .... later, I saw it on TV earlier.  a) is going to rain  b) will rain c) is raining

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