BUDI UTOMO - The first organization that was established on May 20, 1908 was..., STOVIA students - Budi Utomo organization was founded by..., SAREKAT ISLAM - Promoting commerce and correcting misconceptions about Islam and living according to the commandments of Islam are the goals of the organization..., Indische Vereeniging - Perhimpunan Indonesia organization was previously called......, Kartini Fonds - The organization aims to advance the education of Indonesian women. This is realized with a program to establish alternative schools. The organization is called..., Taman Siswa - An educational organization founded in Yogyakarta by Ki Hajar Dewantara is..., Indische Partij - A political organization founded in Bandung by Douwes Dekker..., PNI (Partai Nasional Indonesia) - Soekarno, Soenario, Iskaq Tjokrohadisurjo, Sartono, Budiarto Martoatmojo, Samsi Sastrowidagdo and Tjipto Mangunkusumo are the names of figures who contributed to the formation of the..., Characteristics of the Pergerakan Nasional Indonesia - Most of the leaders of the national movement were educated and had an understanding of nationalism.,



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