Your teenage years are a very ____ time for ____ and development, so a healthy diet is essential for you to get all the ____ and ____ you need to ____ well at school stay active. Tips for healthy eating: Do not ____ breakfast. Some people don't eat breakfast to help them to lose ____ or because they prefer to have a little longer in bed, but this meal is really ____. By the time you get up, it has been a ____ since you last ate. Breakfast will boost ____ levels and give you fuel for the day. Skipping breakfast can also confuse your ____. Eat three ____ a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make sure each meal includes at least one ____ of fruit or ____ (they contain lots of ____ and ____). Examples of what counts as one portion include two or more small fruits (such as plums, satsumas); one piece of medium fruit (such as a banana or apple) and one heaped tablespoon of dried fruit. Also eat enough ____ for ____ such as whole wheat ____, ____ bread or potatoes with their ____. It is important to eat plenty of foods containing ____ especially for girls who lose iron when they have their ____. Iron is important for making red ____ cells, which carry ____ around the body. Almost 50% of teenage girls do not get enough iron in their diet. Foods that contain iron include dark green ____ vegetables such as kale, ____, ____ and pulses, dried fruits like ____ seeds such as ____ seeds, and red ____. Teenagers need high amounts of ____ because your bones are growing in size and ____. Bones reach their ____ strength and density 18-25 years. Around ____ of peak bone mass is acquired by the time you reach the end of your teenage years. Sources of calcium include dark green vegetables (such as kale, ____ and watercress), fish that is eaten with the ____ (such as whitebait, canned sardines or canned salmon), dairy products such as milk, ____ and ____, sesame seeds or ____, bread as in the UK calcium is added to flour by law, ____ dairy alternatives, and calcium-fortified breakfast ____. Drink plenty of ____, especially when taking part in exercise and physical activity, as the body ____ water as sweat. Aim for about 6 to 8 glasses or 2 litres of water every day. The best sources of fluid include water and low-fat milk. Unsweetened ____ should be limited to a small 150ml glass a day. Try to avoid too many sugary drinks and ____ drinks, especially between meals as they could harm your teeth or potentially lead to developing type 2 ____. Even drinks with ____ are not good for you if you drink too much. Limit how much fast or junk foods you eat. These can be high in ____, salt and/or sugars, which can be bad for our health when you eat too ____ or too often. ____ sensibly. If you are hungry between meals, go for healthier snack choices - for example ____, carrot sticks and ____, ____ and peanut butter, or a small handful of unsalted mixed nuts and/or seeds

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