Why do teenagers need calcium? - Teenagers will require this to ensure that they form strong bones and teeth – this will also help prevent brittle bones in later life., Why do teenagers need vitamin C? - This vitamin is needed to ensure that iron is absorbed correctly in the body. It will also support the immune system and help heal cuts and wounds.., Why do teenagers need protein? - Teenagers go through a growth spurt and require this nutrient to grow and repair their body cells., Why do teenagers need iron? - Teenagers need more of this nutrient for healthy blood. This will also help to prevent anaemia., Why do teenagers need carbohydrates? - Teenagers will require this to provide them with energy to complete daily activities e.g. going to school or playing sports., Why do teenagers need vitamin B (complex)? - This vitamin releases energy from food and will ensure that teenagers do not become tired.,

Nutritional Needs of Teenagers (Plenary)

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