This jewelry might appeal to you because it is made in a sustainable way. - to attract, to please, Most university students will begin to contemplate their futures as they near graduation. - to think about carefully, We are hoping that the current situation will not last very long. - happening now, If you miss too many classes, there will be a gap in your knowledge. - something missing, In some factories, workers wear gloves to protect their hands from harmful chemicals. - causing hurt or damage, One wealthy investor gave 10 million dollars to help start the company. - a person who puts money into a company, The company was unable to deliver the product on time because of a major setback. - something that stops or slows a process, Factories need to have a dependable supply of raw materials. - amount available, Family and friends are often very supportive when you lose your job. - helpful and encouraging, The rough texture of a wool scarf can scratch your skin. - the way something feels when you touch it,

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