1) Trilobites were common, small, hard-shelled animals that lives in the oceans of the __________ Era. a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 2) During this period of the Mesozoic Era, the first dinosaurs evolved and tiny mammals appeared. a) Triassic  b) Jurassic c) Cretaceous 3) A hagfish is a primitive, eel-shaped, jawless fish that has remained nearly unchanged since the ___________ Era. a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 4) During this period of the Mesozoic Era, dinosaurs flourished and flowering plants appeared. A famous movie is named for this period. a) Triassic b) Jurassic c) Cretaceous 5) During this period of the Mesozoic Era, Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops appeared, birds and mammals continued to evolve, and flowering plants began outnumbering other plants. a) Triassic b) Jurassic c) Cretaceous 6) Amphibians, such as this extinct species, were the first animals that could live on the land and first appeared during the __________ Era. a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 7) Ferns and other plants were common near the end of the ________ Era. Much of our coal, oil, and natural gas come from the remains of these plants. a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 8) The sphenacodonts, or "wedge tooth" reptiles, evolved about 300 million years ago during the _________ Era. They were the first group of large land vertebrates. a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 9) Mammals became the dominant animals during this Era, i.e., "The Age of Mammals." a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 10) Humans appeared during this era. a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 11) This era is also known as "The Age of Reptiles." a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 12) The Devonian Period of this era is also known as "The Age of FIshes." a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 13) This era's name comes from the Greek words meaning "ancient life." a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 14) This era's name comes from the Greek words meaning "middle life." a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 15) This era's name comes from the Greek words meaning "new life." a) Paleozoic b) Mesozoic c) Cenozoic 16) During this era, mammals evolved from a few small, rat-like species into an incredibly varied collection of land, aquatic, and even flying animals. a) Precambrian b) Paleozoic c) Mesozoic d) Cenozoic 17) During much of this era, scientists believe that many different species of ancient reptiles evolved. You may recognize them as dinosaurs. a) Precambrian b) Paleozoic c) Mesozoic d) Cenozoic 18) By far, this is the longest era of Earth's history and also the oldest. Scientists say this era began when Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago. a) Precambrian b) Paleozoic c) Mesozoic d) Cenozoic 19) This era also saw an increase in the variety of insects and an explosion in the number of flowering plants along with mammals. a) Precambrian b) Paleozoic c) Mesozoic d) Cenozoic 20) By about 300 million years ago, the first fish, including sharks, appeared. This era is also when plants began to colonize the land, scientists believe. a) Precambrian b) Paleozoic c) Mesozoic d) Cenozoic

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