1 - Watch your favorite comedian - someone that makes you laugh at loud, 2 - Turn off all your electronic devices for an hour, 3 - Watch your favorite movie, 4 - Sit outside and read a book or a comic, 5 - Go for a walk in nature, 6 - Go for a bicycle ride (alone or invite your friends), 7 - Do a home workout or exercise at the gym, 8 - Play with your pet, 9 - Stretch your muscles or do yoga, 10 - Meditate for seven minutes, 11 - Write down three things that make you happy, 12 - Make a list of things you like about you, 13 - Play a board game with your friends, 14 - Cook a dish from scratch, 15 - Make a bucket list, 16 - Eat your favorite dessert, 17 - Make a list of your accomplishments, 18 - Watch funny cat videos, 19 - Google information about a different culture, 20 - Practice deep breathing exercises, 21 - Make a list of things you are good at, 22 - Walk barefoot in the grass, 23 - Make yourself a hot bath and relax, 24 - Look at family photo albums, 25 - Find and write down five inspiring quotes, 26 - Declutter your bedroom, 27 - Draw or color Mandalas, 28 - Spend an hour doing something creative, 29 - Make a list of people you look up to and write why, 30 - Turn up the music and dance, 31 - Hide all your work in a cupboard and forget about it for a while,

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