1) What we need to ___ on today is what to do for the staff trip this year. a) talk b) meet c) decide d) discuss 2) Let's look at what our ___ are. a) opportunities b) options c) opinions d) opponents 3) ___ about we charter a plane to Morocco for a weekend? a) What's b) Who c) Why d) How 4) We do have that on our list of options, but ___ need to stretch the budget if we did that. a) we'll b) we c) we'd d) we've 5) What can you ___ us? a) lend b) help c) proposed d) offer 6) What we ___ is that it should be educational as well as entertaining. a) plan b) propose c) aim d) intend 7) You mean, ___ we include something cultural we can choose any of our suggestions? a) provided b) would c) were d) supposing 8) ___ you offer a visit to the museums, HR might veto the whole trip. a) Until b) Providing c) Unless d) If 9) OK, we can ___ with that. a) be b) remain c) stay d) live 10) So, a quick ___ on what has been said so far. a) review b) recap c) repeat d) outline

Negotiating the annual staff trip

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