How do you feel about the role of advertising in society today?, Have you ever been influenced by an advertisement to purchase a product or service?, What are your thoughts on the impact of targeted advertising on consumer behavior?, Do you believe that advertising plays a significant role in shaping cultural norms and values?, In what ways do you think advertising has evolved with the rise of digital platforms?, How important is transparency in advertising, especially when it comes to promoting products or services?, Have you noticed any changes in the way companies approach advertising over the years?, Do you think there should be regulations in place to control the content and frequency of advertisements?, How do you think social media has changed the landscape of advertising?, What ethical considerations should advertisers keep in mind when creating campaigns?, How do you think advertising affects consumer behaviour?, Can you give an example of a memorable advertisement that influenced your purchasing decisions?, What are some common strategies used in advertising to attract customers?, In what ways can advertising impact society as a whole?, Do you believe that advertising plays a significant role in shaping cultural norms and values?, How has the rise of social media changed the landscape of advertising?, Have you ever felt manipulated by an advertisement? If so, how did it make you feel?, Do you think there should be regulations on certain types of advertisements? Why or why not?, How do you think companies measure the success of their advertising campaigns?, What do you think is the most effective form of advertising in today's digital age?.

speaking about advertising

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