The final solution - Nazi plan to wipe out all the Jews of Europe, The Nuremburg laws - Law which slowly took away Jews' rights- Citizenship and Protection of German blood and Honour, Prejudice - A preconcieved idea about a person or group of people which is not based on reason or actual experience, Ghetto - Confined area of a city where Jews were forced to live, Himmler - Nazi in charge of the Final Solution, Extermination - The decision to commit the gennocide or killing of every man, woman and child of a certain race of people, Holocaust - Name given to the genocide of 6 million Jews., Kristallnacht - Night when Jewish businesses were smashed up, Persecution - persistent harassment or cruel treatment of  people especially because of race or political or religious beliefs, Anti semetism - Hatred of Jews, Poland and Russia - Countries whose Jewish population suffered the most, Gas chambers - Where Jews were taken to be murdered, Stereotype - a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing, Discrimination - Treating people differently because of their race, age, gender, sexuality, religion etc.,

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