fifteen - I see three red fish, seven green fish and five blue fish. How many fish are there in all?, seven - My dog has three brown spots, two black spots and two white spots. How many spots does he have in all?, twelve - We had three footballs, five baseballs and four basketballs. How many balls in all?, fourteen - Kim had five cats, Sam had seven cats and Tom Had two cats. How many cats do they have in all?, sixteen - Mom had eight gumballs. Dad had one gumball. I had seven. How many gumballs did we have in all?, ten - Five green frogs, three yellow frogs and two brown frogs are on the tree. How many frogs in all?, eight - Five girls, two boys and one dog are on the bus. How many are on the bus in all?, thirteen - Sam ate eight cupcakes, two cakes and three cookies. How many did he eat in all?, nine - I see four black dogs, three white dogs and two brown dogs. How many dogs do I see in all?,

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