1) A magic spell in coding that makes decisions. If a certain condition is true, then an action happens. a) Logic b) Action c) If-Then Statement d) Condition 2) What happens in the game when the condition in the "if statement" is true. It's the outcome of our magic spell. a) Logic b) Condition c) Else-if Statement d) Action 3) The way we use reasoning to make decisions in games. It's like thinking about the best path to take in a maze. a) Condition b) Logic c) Action d) If-Then Statement 4) A specific rule or test that decides if the "if statement" magic works where the answer can only be yes (true) or no (false). For example, "Is the player's score more than 100?" a) Action b) Logic c) If-Then Statement d) Condition 5) A rule in coding that works like making a choice in a game. It tells the computer: "If something is true, then do this action; otherwise, do a different action." a) If-Then-Else Statement b) Condition c) Action d) If-Then Statement 6) A part of coding that lets you make one choice out of many possible options in a game. a) Logic b) Action c) If-Then-Else Statement d) Else-if Statement 7) Why do we add an "else" block to an "if-then" statement in coding? a) To trigger a different action even if the "if" condition is true b) To trigger a different action if the "if" condition is not met c) To make the code longer and more complex d) To repeat the "if" condition multiple times 8) When is the action within an "else" block triggered? a) If the "if" condition has not been met b) Immediately after the "if" action is performed c) Regardless of the "if" condition d) Only if the "if" condition has been met 9) Where do you find "If" blocks in MakeCode Arcade? a) In the Variables category b) In the Sprites category c) In the Game category d) In the Logic category 10) How do you add an "else-if" component to an "if-then" block in MakeCode Arcade? a) By casting a magic spell b) By clicking on the "Logic" category c) By clicking the plus sign at the bottom of the "if-then" block twice d) By dragging a condition into the workspace 11) What does using "else-if" in your code allow you to do? a) Make your program longer and more complex b) Combine several checks into a single decision-making flow c) Ignore the conditions and execute all actions d) Check multiple conditions independently 12) How is "else-if" different from using multiple "if-then" statements? a) "Else-if" allows for a more precise decision-making process based on various conditions b) "If-then" can check conditions in a single flow, while "else-if" cannot c) There is no difference; "else-if" and "if-then" work exactly the same d) "Else-if" performs all actions regardless of conditions 13) What is a potential issue with using multiple "if-then" statements instead of "else-if"? a) You can only check one condition b) It automatically skips all conditions c) You might end up meeting all 3 conditions at the same time. d) It simplifies the code too much 14) Why do we add "else-if" to "if-then" blocks in coding? a) To make decisions and react differently based on specific condition b) To ensure every condition is treated as false. c) To use the same reaction for every situation. d) To avoid making any decisions. 15) How does "else-if" differ from a series of "if" statements in terms of execution? a) "Else-if" executes all conditions, regardless of their truthfulness." b) "Else-if" checks each condition until one is true, then stops checking further. c) "Else-if" ignores all conditions and executes only the last command. d) "Else-if" and a series of "if" statements do not differ in execution. 16) What is the main purpose of using conditional statements in game making? a) To control what happens in your game based on certain conditions b) To create colorful backgrounds c) To design characters d) To increase the speed of the game 17) What does the "If" part of a conditional statement represent? a) An action that happens regardless of conditions b) A command that must be followed c) A question to the player d) A specific condition that must be met 18) What happens in the "Then" part of an "If-Then" block? a) An action takes place when the 'If' condition is met b) The game pauses c) The game ends d) A new level starts 19) In game development, what can an "If-Then" block be used to do? a) Increase the game's difficulty automatically b) Change the game's language c) Create exciting challenges and rewards based on player actions d) Modify the game's soundtrack 20) When using "Else-If" in game development, what are you able to create? a) Different outcomes based on player choices or actions b) A game that cannot be won c) A louder game soundtrack d) A single outcome, regardless of player actions

Box M7L1.1 The Logic Quest Vocabulary

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