1) In this entry, Anne writes about the continuing impact of anti-Jewish measures, such as the closure of Jewish-run businesses. She also reflects on her feelings of isolation and longing for a true friend to confide in, apart from her diary. a) June 14 1942 b) June 15 1942 c) June 20 1942 d) June 21 1942 e) June 24 1942 2) Anne writes about her daily life and her experiences at school. She describes some of her friends, including her close relationship with Jopie de Beer. She touches on the restrictions imposed on Jews, such as having to wear the yellow star. a) June 14 1942 b) June 15 1942 c) June 20 1942 d) June 21 1942 e) June 24 1942 3) Anne recounts a typical day at school and mentions an upcoming birthday party for one of her friends. She also discusses the various classes and subjects she is studying, including shorthand, which she particularly enjoys. a) June 14 1942 b) June 15 1942 c) June 20 1942 d) June 21 1942 e) June 24 1942 4) This is the date of the first entry in Anne Frank's diary. Anne introduces her diary, expressing her hope that it will be a source of comfort and support. She discusses her birthday celebrations, which include receiving the diary as a present. She also gives a brief introduction to her family and background. a) June 14 1942 b) June 15 1942 c) June 20 1942 d) June 21 1942 e) June 24 1942 5) Anne describes spending the day lazily, mentioning that she read a book and studied mythology. The entry captures the contrast between her ordinary teenage interests and the extraordinary circumstances she is under, living under Nazi occupation. a) June 14 1942 b) June 15 1942 c) June 20 1942 d) June 21 1942 e) June 24 1942

Anne Frank Entries

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