It’s the end of summer at the Okanogan County Fair in the United States. People are relaxing. But not this man. Oliver Pakootas has a big race. It’s the Indian ____. In the Indian Relay, the ____ race around the ____ three times. And each time they change horses. This race is a tradition for American Indians. And only one rider can win. Oliver spends months preparing for the race. He has a team to help him. They’re all family. The ____ are also part of the family. Oliver and his team enjoy being together, and they love working with their horses and their horses love them. Oliver likes riding his horses in ____. It’s just Oliver, the horse and the mountains. For Oliver and his family, the Indian Relay isn’t only a race, it’s a ____ of life. Now it’s the day of the big ____. Oliver rides horse number one to the starting line. John and Kerry follow Oliver. They have horse number two and horse number three. The race is starting and Oliver’s ready. Oliver wins the race. Maybe now he can relax and enjoy ____.

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